Do you battle the chaos and complexity that dominates your life... hoping for ease, peace and freedom that never comes?

Have you been...

  • Going through a rough patch (personal or business) or recovering from one.
  • Experiencing serious emotional pain and despair and suffering in silence.
  • Constantly putting out fires wondering if you are also the Arsonist.
  • Navigating a complex and challenging transition.
  • Feeling fed-up with something that is not working in your life, and feeling stuck, not being able to get any serious headway with the issue.
  • Doing all the self-help work under the sun and things still don’t feel right, not feeling that full alignment with your purpose everyone’s talking about... Wondering what is missing, tolerating results and circumstances you secretly wish to change.

Or maybe you just are at a turning point in your life? Things are transitioning whether you wanted them to or not and you can't be sure, really, what's going to happen next.

You know that these types of things don't need to be faced alone and you want a qualified partner to hold you accountable and guide you through this.

You need to be at your best to inspire the best results, and create more impact with your life’s work, but there's too much to handle. The uncertainty and chaos is slowly, invasively, driving you nuts and you don't have time to feel the fear and overwhelm that has become your daily experience.

What if I told you that your struggles and your success are highly correlated? And at the root of your struggles and battles is a hidden Foundational Crisis that holds the keys you need to fully access your Genius Zone. I've helped many entrepreneurs unlock this game-changing paradigm over and over and I have a method that I know can help you too.

Entrepreneurs generally take years to see, admit, and overcome this crisis stage. The good news... you can do it much quicker.

Trusted by many CEOs and business leaders.

Christine McKay

Speaker & Author, CEO of Ven Negotiations

Bob Regnerus

Coach & Author, Cofounder of Feedstories

Estie Starr

Award-winning Consultant & Speaker

More Testimonials + Results

What's next?

Well, you could go to a fancy woo woo healer, hire a master biz coach or a really expensive consulting firm. Maybe even drop $100K on someone who wrote 20 books and has a triple-PhD in behavioral psychology. You can even fill your head with countless self-help directions from those 20 books that, frankly, may not help at all, making things even more confusing or taking years to show effect. Heck you can even buy a Porsche! You wouldn’t be the first one to try.

Or if you want a real lasting change you could do what scores of others have done and...

Work with me and end your chaos and crisis faster (and for good) and create real freedom for the rest of your life.

The Crisis Freedom Method could be your ticket to the next level. And it will cost less than a Porsche. I will personally help you:

  • Assess and handle your current crisis situation (both boardroom and bedroom kinds) and avert future ones
  • End an endless cycle of putting out fires that you know is heading for a burnout
  • Map out your current chaos and get a complete clarity on its root causes
  • Uncover hidden from you foundational problems inside your Genius Zone

So that we can:

  • Get to the actual bottom of the swamp (your dysfunctions, frustrations and despair)
  • Produce change and outcomes that you’ve struggled to produce so far
  • Bulldoze through all kinds of emotional and behavioral barriers astonishingly fast
  • Face your challenging transition with clarity and calm
  • Crack the code of your mindset so that you can get to the next level faster

I will personally guide you to the other side of the chaos.

I am Vlad, the Founder of Crisis Freedom, a method that helps entrepreneurs navigate crisis, adversity, chaos and overwhelm that derails their life and their business and keeps them from experiencing the real freedom they seek.

I guarantee tangible behavior shifts and I fully commit to moving you from Crisis to Freedom of sustained well-being and growth. This is about breakthroughs over mere insights. In a fraction of the time.

That’s it. After that, you’ll be on your merry way. You won’t need me any more. (Though I hope we’ll remain friends.

You’ve come this far, let’s schedule a Discovery Call to see if we are a fit. The call is free, and even if we are not a fit, you will walk away with greater clarity about your next steps and the chaos or crisis you are facing.

Schedule a Discovery Call
Less than 2 minutes to book. No credit card required.