I help biz owners navigate crisis, bulldoze their inner barriers and get unstuck.

...so they can FREELY pursue their biggest goals, growth, and profits.

I help biz owners navigate crisis, bulldoze their inner barriers and get unstuck.

...so they can FREELY pursue their biggest goals, growth, and profits.

If you are a business owner who is navigating a crisis, looking for a pivot, or feeling stuck, you are in the right place!

Who is this for? I offer bespoke 1-on-1 help to:

Leaders and Entrepreneurs In Crisis

When your business or personal life is doing a thrilling nosedive. And everything feels wack to the power of 1,000,000. When all you think about is just hitting a reset button.

Work With Me

Business Owners Who Are Stuck

When nothing is working and you don’t know why. When you have no idea how to break through your glass ceiling. When you are completely and utterly stuck.

Work With Me

High-Achievers With Past Trauma

When you know your past trauma (big or small) is causing you to suffer, affecting your relationships and/or stopping you from pursuing important goals.

Work With Me

Trusted by many CEOs and business leaders.

Christine McKay

Speaker & Author, CEO of Ven Negotiations

Bob Regnerus

Coach & Author, Cofounder of Feedstories

Estie Starr

Award-winning Consultant & Speaker

More Testimonials + Results
10 years ago...
I was seriously STUCK. I often found myself in a perpetual crisis mode putting out endless fires in my life and my business.

On the outside I looked successful – winning numerous industry awards, I’ve served many Fortune 500 companies and World’s most iconic brands for over a decade and a half.

But inside, I didn’t feel successful – I’ve struggled through years of frequent breakdowns, burnouts, addictions and severe high-functioning depression, damaging or destroying every single relationship I’ve ever had in the process. My family life was taking a terrifying nosedive. Nothing was working and I didn’t know why.

So I rolled up my sleeves and dove head first into the "Crisis Trenches" where I met countless entrepreneurs who were in the exact same predicament. And after spending waaaaay above 10,000+ hours on education, interviews and hands-on work with countless entrepreneurs and business owners, I’ve discovered 4 fascinating phenomenons:

  • The unusual path to entrepreneurial freedom
  • The one thing that keeps all entrepreneurs stuck
  • The hidden dark side of your genius
  • The mindset shift needed for a breakthrough

Read About My Big Discoveries

Despite all of the success, my entire personal life was taking a terrifying nosedive. Nothing was working and I didn't know why.
I help business owners change their current situation so that they can FREELY pursue their biggest goals, growth, and profits.